AEN mobilizes networks of university faculty and administrators to counter antisemitism, oppose the denigration of Jewish and Zionist identities, promote academic freedom, and advance education about Israel.
AEN envisions a world where American higher education welcomes, respects, and supports the expression of Jewish identity and robust discourse about Israel.

AEN’s overarching goal is clear: We aim to move faculty and university leaders to action to oppose antisemitism and to support an inclusive, welcoming campus learning community where Jewish and all students can feel like they belong. Our signature programs and initiatives provide faculty and administrators with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to faculty and administrators to speak up with authority on antisemitism, Israel, Jewish identity, and the diversity of the Jewish experience.
Designed as a boot camp for members to learn about contemporary antisemitism and Israel and to develop strategies for engaging on those issues on their campuses and in their disciplines. While protecting academic freedom and freedom of expression, participants come away with knowledge, skills, and a network of support that are crucial to their future as active change agents on their campuses.
An annual webinar series, which AEN launched in response to the pandemic, continues to engage a large portion of the membership. Additionally, AEN’s Sections and Interest Groups regularly host online programming for their members.
These groups serve as a crucial support to members and an unrivaled mobilizing force when a unified voice is needed to address antisemitism, anti-Israel bias, and attacks on academic principles within the academy. AEN faculty members who participate in these disciplinary sections and geographic interest groups field petitions, write op-eds, author letters, and consistently engage with their colleagues and university leaders to support Jews and Zionists on campus. Peer-to-peer learning opportunities and monthly check-ins solidify the supportive environment needed for AEN members to act boldly.
Microgrants support campus programming, member engagement in professional academic associations, or research related to AEN’s mission. Antisemitism Education Initiative grants are deeper investments to support the building of unique campus, regional, and national educational programs and infrastructure for improving the campus climate.
In 2022, AEN launched the Abraham Accords Campus Initiative, a first of its kind project that leverages faculty at U.S. universities and colleges to harness the spirit of the Abraham Accords to counter antisemitism and anti-Israel bias. AEN is in the process of educating and training hundreds of faculty so they can teach about and advocate for the accords on their campuses.
These one-day, intensive meetings with members on a particular campus or in a “hub” city are an effective way for the AEN Leadership Team to engage members, gather information about what is happening on a given campus, and brainstorm with and activate members. The meetings help to galvanize members to action.
AEN members write research papers and pamphlets that provide students, faculty, and others with scholarly work that can be utilized in the classroom and in other academic settings. AEN staff are content experts and are frequently sought by partners, media, and university stakeholders.
In the post October 7, 2023 academic landscape, AEN amplifies the faculty voice, including by helping to initiate, organize, and disseminate the collective work and activities of faculty nationwide who are committed to advancing AEN’s core mission. AEN facilitates and supports a variety of interventions, including: faculty-led missions to Israel, campus-specific groups focused on combatting antisemitism and promoting academic freedom and open inquiry, and proactive work in professional associations, scholarly societies, faculty unions, and other academic arenas.